
Accept Your Body and Those of Others

Just cut off my hair for the summer. Much cooler this way, and for the most part I hate having hair. Laying in bed after a shower and just listening to podcasts. This is the way we where intended to be. Sure there is a need for clothing to protect us from the weather or from the thick woods or so on - not to mention, I don't think I want to weld nude. But for the most part, I am way more happy to be nude than I am with my clothing on. I did however notice a large bruise on my left leg in the top photo so I took a closer photo. It's a darn bad one. I got not one clue how it got there. I'm on blood thinners, and this kind of thing happens - just not normally this badly. I know so many people that actually feel shame over their bodies, I can't live like that, it's too much. So I learned at a rather young age that we are all beautiful in our own way. There is no such thing as a good body and a bad body (looks wise). We are all people, and all worthy of self respect. Sur

A Few Thoughts About Nudity in Public

Me at the computer. I had the web came taking photos at 30 second intervals. I was doing some fractal art with Mandelbulb 3D and then I got a text, and the text was a scam, "you need to act in the next 60 minutes, withdraw your $3000 or play it." Right, if you click the link you are only asking for trouble. But anyway, just wanted to pop into the blog and say, "every activity is better if you are nude." That being said, it's a bit of a bother being a nudist in an apartment on only the 2nd floor. You can see in my window from the parking lot if you look up. There is not one possibility of them seeing the man bits, but you can see from about my nipples up. I found it interesting that the rental agreement stated no answering the door nude, and to always dress "modestly" in common arias. I tend to have clothing on if I am expecting a delivery or maintenance coming in. I've had to toss on some close quick more than a few times when they wanted to check

Accept Who You Are and How You Are

Got to love your body, no matter what the hell others may think. Feeling shame for your side, shape, deformities, or anything is totally a waste of your time and removes joy from your life. In my teen  years I has a short time where I was self conscious about my body. Thank God it did not last long. I realized no one has a perfect body and to someone you look fabulous, and who cares about others haring how you look. I've been to many nude events in my life and I have to say I've never had an actual nudist be rude, or anything other than welcoming to me. You can tell people who are just getting off on being seen naked, because they have something to say about others bodies. This kind of person needs to feel superior by taring down others. They are not nudists, they are exabitionests. Acceptance of your own body can be hard to accomplish if you are not in a supportive environment. Many factions of society look down on the human body as being "dirty". This is false, the

Letting it All Hang Out (Dare to Love Yourself)

Not Friday, but here is a frontal shot. I have to say if a guy like me can be happy with his body, almost anyone can be. That is in the light of society telling people like me we don't fit the mold. To hell with the mold, I'm beautiful just the way I am. With being raised to be fine with my body, I am lucky. All the males in my childhood home would hang out at night with nothing on. It let to a couple of interesting times when someone came to the door late at night to visit, but that only happened twice. Mom on the other hand was damaged by Catholic guilt and had to be covered at all times. I feel bad for people who where raised to be ashamed of their natural state of being. The way the mass media wants you to think a "good body" looks is almost unobtainable. They use this imposed vision of perfection to keep a billion people buying crap they don't need. All to fit a mold less than 1% of people can fit. This industry ends up making a lot of people hate how they lo

Being in an Apartment is not Optimal for Nudism

I some days hate the limitations of living in an apartment. I can't make too much noise or I'll bother other people around me, yet there is always that one person who makes shit piles of noise and does not care. I just can't be that inconsiderate. There is also the thing where people may come to your door at anytime. Others from my floor on occasion come to my door for something or just to talk. Maintenance shows up without a warning as well. There has been the one time where the fellow who fixes the fridges came over and I had not one clue he was coming over. Well here I sat in my chair nude and listening to music on the headphones and did not hear the door. Well he used the pass key to enter and got an eye full of naked Dave. Most of the time like right now I have clothing on in the daytimes and the blinds open. I am on the second floor and you can kind of see me in the window if I get close to it (from the parking lot), so I don't chance it and put clothing on. As so

See Yourself How You Are, Not How Others Say You Are

It's about the freedom to be the way the Goddess intended us to me. It's also very much about comfort, not only of the body, but of the soul. When you are comfortable being nude and have no shame left for your nakedness, you are comfortable with you own body image. Being body image positive about yourself frees you from the oppression of society and the so called puritanical. You have to train children to think clothing is the normal way, and that alone should tell you, you are probably wrong. There is always blessed souls who never accept that being clothed is the best way to be. The ones you can never convince being clothed all the time is good for them somehow. To the way of thinking of a nudist, this is oppressing the inner spirit. I know this sounds like some kind of religion, but it's not, it's just accepting who we are as living beings means nudity is the natural state. To the best of our knowledge clothing was invented to keep warm in the cold months. It later t

Life is Better Nude and That's Not the Mark of the Beast

Nothing like rendering some 3D fractals, and doing Jigsaw Puzzles in the nude, while listening to some good music. Got to say everything is better when you are nude, I think. It's a shame society is still hung up on this is such a big way. I know people that literally do not think it's OK to enjoy their own home naked. Even if they are alone, they still have clothing on. I don't honestly know how I would feel about this, if I had not been raised to think it's OK to run around the home nude. My father, brother and I often did in the evenings. My mother who was raised very Catholic, on the other hand was never able to free herself from the shame she felt about her body, that was driven into her head by her faith. Honest to GOD, that's not the mark of the beast on me. I had two operations in the same spot and was cut in two different directions. So, there it is, an upside down cross on my belly. I like to sit in the dark, listen to music and watch the security feed for