That Time Maintenance Just Walked In On Me

Music is the staff of life I tell you. Somehow it's just more enjoyable when you are nude. There is nothing like sitting in my chair nude and cranking up some classic rock. At the moment of this photo I was listening to Black Magic Woman by Santana.

I have recently remembered the time they sent someone to look at my fridge. Well by law they need to give you 24 hours notice before they enter unless you let them in. Well, I did not hear the guy knocking as I had my headphones on, and he used his pass key to enter and walked in on me. He got the full Monty when I stood up and said, "what are you doing here"?

They have a bad habit of just coming in here when they feel like it and not telling you they are coming at all. Being a nudist, this may lead to some people seeing something they don't really want to see. I always have clothing on if I know they are coming of course, but as I said, sometimes, they just up and come in anyway. As I said, it's literally the LAW that they tell you 24 hours in advance that they are coming in unless it's an emergency. This was NOT an emergency.

There is the matter of the window as well. I'm on the 2nd floor. I've bent down to the level of my man bits and looked out the window right beside it. There is no possibility anyone is going to see that part of me from the parking lot. The best they will ever see is my chest and up. So I'm safe there. They would literally have to be standing on their car or the roof of the church across the way to see anything they might not want to be seeing.

I'm not one of those who thinks it's just OK to be naked any place they want. I realize that people don't want to be seeing that on average. Most people in our society have large hang-ups on their bodies and nudity in general. They equate (wrongly) nudity to sexuality. They think it's wrong somehow when in reality there is literally nothing humans do that is more natural than to go nude.

There is the matter of nudity laws in Canada as well. You see, they would have to prove you are trying to shock people or to offend them to actually convict on the law. There has been almost no one ever convicted under  the nudity laws in Canada. There have been many instances of people going nude in their yards and the people next door calling the cops. Most of the time the cops do literally nothing. They ones that end up in court end up getting tossed out of course.

But I don't feel it's cool to be nude in a public space personally. Yes I have been to many nude venues with large numbers of people. These have always been in places set aside for nudity however. There was one event that was in a city. It was a planned event and people knew it was going to happen, so there is little chance of "offending" anyone in that case.

There are activist kinds in the nude community who think nothing of going to the door to get a package in their skin. I am not one of them. Although I know there is nothing wrong with nudity, I respect the feeling of the textile community and go out of my way not to be "exposed" to them. But there WILL be times it happens. When someone just up and lets themselves in, you have no opportunity to "cover up". In this case, it's all on them, and not on me at all.

Remember folks, the nude lifestyle is the essence of freedom. Stay free and be happy.


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