I find it most comfortable when I have nothin on but my headphones. I've been a nudist the vast majority of my life. Even as a young kid, my Father, my Brother and I would end up watching TV in the evening with not a single piece of clothing on us. Mother was not quite into it. She had this Catholic guilt thing going on, as she was raised Catholic. Although she converted to the United Church when she married my Father, she never lost that sense of self shame. I always found that to be sad, and wished show could have moved past that repressive viewpoint driven into her as a child, and life a lot more freely. But she never did.
It was different in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's I think. People where a hell of a lot more repressed when it came to nudity, and even in their homes, it was not something they tended to do. Not one of my friends at the time (as a kid or teen) where into the nudist lifestyle and only a couple of them even knew most of my family where nudists.
I find it interesting that my Uncle on my Dads side and their family where not at all nudists. I don't know where my Father got comfortable with his body to the point where he could go nude in the home like that, but I suspect it was that he was in the military (possibly). He told me that in his day (as a child) boys almost always swam nude in the public pool, but girls never did. It was mixed, and they did not have separate times to swim. I've read blogs that say the same thing from the 1930's and 1940's and in some cases into the 1970's.
It seems in the 1950's for most parts of Canada and the USA, it started to not be accepted and more boys where forced by parents to cover up in the pool and it quickly became the norm. There where few areas that this lasted into the 1970's. By the late 1970's, it was no longer socially acceptable and stopped happening for the most part. To this day, people look the other way when it's a very young child at the lake or the sea, and they are swimming in the skin, but there seems to be a very small age limit where this is accepted and the vast majority of people would not think of allowing the little one to be nude like that.
However, it's starting to gain ground these days after a lag in practice. Now you hear more often of people who allow children to be more free, and the idea of accepting who you are and how you look is starting to became more popular, and people are trying to instill this in their children.
I've been to a lot of nudist camps and a few resorts in my day. I have to say, not one of the resorts allowed single people to come into a family friendly setting (for most likely good reasons). But the camps where always mixed. I've also been to a great deal of back yard BBQ gatherings in the past. However, now all but a few have moved out of the aria and I have no nudist friends in my city now.

Here I am at the computer checking messages on my phone. I find it a lot more easy to concentrate if I'm in the skin than if I was clothed. I don't really know why, but the fact I have something on seems to lessen my ability to focus - I literally can't explain why. I also think I'm more creative when I'm nude. In any event, I do tend to put something on when I need to go to the widow, as my top part can be seen from the parking lot. There is no way they are seeing the man bits however, as at that level, the person would have to be 8 foot tall or standing on their car to see it. I do also take some time to answer the door at times - when I expect people coming over, I do have clothing on in advance of course. I have not once answered the door without pants and a shirt on.
So anyway, I hope you are inspired to try and liberate yourself and be more natural in the future if you don't already partake in nudism. Be strong, be free, and love who you are. And one last thing. Nudity is not a sexual act, it's just being yourself in a natural way. It is completely possible for men and women to gather in the nude in a platonic manner, and has been happening for an extremely long time. For some of us, we even worship the Devine in the nude (and I have done so in a group many times).
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