Live Free of How Others See You

The marketing empire has since the 1940's set out to make us no love ourselves. They want us to buy things in order to look good, smell good, and so on. The unrealistic body types that are very often used in ads are rare and most people will never look like them no matter how hard the work, or what they spend. It has lead to a large number of people who are convinced they are not worthy, and want to hide their bodies.
As well in the past, even up to the 1970's, it was accepted for people to swim nude - Granted that by the 1970's it was not very common anymore. But in the time of my father being young, men often swan nude in public pools and lakes. There was no shame to it.
Over my lifetime I've seen it become less socially accepted to be nude among others. The shift to a more so called moralistic way of life, is presenting nudity as linked only to sex. The term "sex is done nude, but nude is not sex", comes strongly to mind. Yet the hard core religious types want us to be ashamed of our own bodies, and I think this is extremely harmful to people and their mental health.
I was raised a nudist, but social stigma and the power of the popular media made me not love who I am. It took a long time for me to get to know it's alright to be who I am, and that I look just fine. With the self loathing gone from my life, I am vastly more happy and my life has actively improved. I may still be disabled, but I love myself totally.
Nudism is about acceptance of the self in all respects and the freedom to be in the most natural of states (with no clothing on). It takes time to stop caring what others think and to realize, what they think of you should not affect you.
Live free, do no harm, and love others and yourself.
P.S. Had to change the template of the blog - the old one seems to have a big bug in it that messed up spacing of the text.
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