Nudism is Not Sexual

Nudity is our natural state. It has been as far back as recorded history considered not polite to do in public. However, the sexualization of nudity seems to be a more recent trend. Yes there has always been those who find it sexually stimulating to see naked people, but until modern times, this was quite rare.

Pornography is also very old, the oldest known pornographic images where wood cut prints that where sold in pubs on the down low. In the 1970's people started to look at porn more and it got a hold of the western culture.

By the 1980's with the spread of video cassette players, porn became very prolific. At this time the trend of allowing children to swim nude at lakes and at the YMCA became against the will of the people and was stopped for the most part.

With a heightened sexualization of the nude form came a sense of public outrage against it and nudism became sexualized in the eyes of a great number of people. There is to this day a good number or people in the western world who see nudists as exhibitionists. This is far from true. Real nudists do not get a sexual thrill by being seen nude or by seeing nudity.

Unfortunately as you can see on Twitter, there are a lot of people who use the term nudist when in reality they are exhibitionists. When you post photos of your erect member, or closeups of your genitals, or sexualized poses, it's not nudism.

More and more the nudism movement is being associated with sexuality and pornography. Again on Twitter there are porn bots sharing nudist images and steeling them for porn sites against the will of the people posting the images. This is not only shameful behavior, it's actually criminal behavior. But these sites are often in parts of the world where it is next to impossible to get them shut down or the records of who put them up.

Nudism is about being most comfortable with no clothing on. Social nudity has never ended in an orgy to my experience and I've been doing this for a very long time. I've been to many nudist camps and beaches over the year, I've not once seen anyone aroused or having sex. I've been to close to 100 gatherings on farms and so on as well, and not once did it become sexual.

With the rise of pornography there seems to be a direct relationship to the amount of people who find nudity to be sexual and the thinking that nudism is exhibitionism. The majority of people I hang out with online who post nude photos are doing so as a social expression of union of belief in the nudist way of life, it has nothing to do with sex.

I find it interesting that the arias of the western world that are the most conservative and the most outspoken about nudism, are also the places that have the largest apatite for phonography and the more disturbing the better for these conservative minded people. They scream shame while jacking off to father daughter porn videos. It is also no shock that a large number of people who abuse children are in the same group calling nudism sexual.

Be happy with your body and don't allow others to shame you with their wrong conceptions of nudism. Be free and be happy.


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