Accept Who You Are and How You Are

Got to love your body, no matter what the hell others may think. Feeling shame for your side, shape, deformities, or anything is totally a waste of your time and removes joy from your life. In my teen years I has a short time where I was self conscious about my body. Thank God it did not last long. I realized no one has a perfect body and to someone you look fabulous, and who cares about others haring how you look. I've been to many nude events in my life and I have to say I've never had an actual nudist be rude, or anything other than welcoming to me. You can tell people who are just getting off on being seen naked, because they have something to say about others bodies. This kind of person needs to feel superior by taring down others. They are not nudists, they are exabitionests. Acceptance of your own body can be hard to accomplish if you are not in a supportive environment. Many factions of society look down on the human body as being "dirty". This is false, the ...