Living Among the Clothed

I find it more pleasant to have nothing on of course. Most nudists don't like the feeling of clothing. However, I live in a building with many other people and now and then in the daylight hours people come to the door and I need to quickly put on pants and a shirt. There has been a time where the guy who fixes the fridges walked in on me while I had the headphones on. I literally did not hear him at the door. So now I tend to listen to music only in the evening and night times. It can be a right bother to live in an apartment that is not nudist friendly. I do however dream of being able to live full time in a place where clothing is not mandatory. I see others who live in communities or buildings where they can be free, and I long for that for myself. I also tend most of the time to have a shirt on when I'm doing YouTube videos as people don't seem to have the ability to be mature and not comment about having no shirt on. There are a few videos where I did post myself with...