Getting Blocked For Who I follow and Why I Keep Following Them

Been seeing a lot of people I followed on Twitter as nudists, are actually exabitionists. I went back a way on their time line and saw only the obligatory nude photos, so thought them to be safe. After a while I started to enjoy their content as it's not all just nude photos. Then all the sudden on 4 or 5 of them, here it is, a hardon, or worse yet actual sex video clip. Sigh. I'm not going to judge people on being sex positive in their content however, I just don't enjoy that sort of thing and it's full on true that some won't follow me because I follow them. I get it, you don't want to be linked to "porn". But my thing is, I enjoy 98% of their content and I don't want to get rid of them in my feed over this, so I kept them. To be clear, I'm not going to post any of that sort of content myself ever, I'll stick to just a nude now and then. Most of my posts have nothing to do with nudism at all, and most of the photos don't either. It...